ABSi Supports “The Veterans Promise Program”

ABSi supports the William and Helen Scarpino Veterans Promise Program.

“We are proud to support our US Veterans and give back to those who served our wonderful Country”, says ABSi Controller Sandra Arellano.  

The Ventura College Foundation William and Helen Scarpino Veterans Promise Program is funded by donors who cover the costs of VC enrollment fees for the FIRST YEAR of U.S. veteran and U.S. active duty military students! This allows these students to reserve their GI Bill® for four-year University education. 

How is it helpful?

This program improves the college-going rate among veterans and active duty military in Ventura County!

As the GI Bill® provides a maximum of 48 months of benefits, it allows veteran students to reserve their GI Bill® for four-year university education and allows us to better assist active duty military to transition into civilian life. See recent thank you letters from Vets ONETWOTHREEFOURFIVE. As of June 2019, ABSi has had the privilege of honoring approximately 100 Veteran Students by way of the “Veterans Promise” and the “Veteran Textbook Program”.      


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